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Welcome to another edition of Dewdney Diaries!

November just flew by, didn’t it? Let’s go over what happened at Dewdney Animal Hospital.

Dr. Walton on CTV: How to housebreak a new puppy

In this month’s segment, Dr. Walton shared a few tricks for house-training young dogs. His approach just might surprise you!

Dr. Walton with puppies on CTV

Ivory the Pomeranian

The most gripping story of November was that of Ivory. This little pomeranian was hit by a car in Maple Ridge and brought to Dewdney Animal Hospital. She was in stable condition, but in urgent need of surgery to repair some severe injuries.

The support over social media was nothing short of amazing, as Dewdney Animal Hospital and the Maple Ridge SPCA scrambled to find the owner and receive legal authorization to perform the necessary procedures.

Strangely enough, an owner never found, and after the 48-hour waiting period expired, Dewdney Animal Hospital was able to perform surgery.

Thankfully, Ivory seems to be doing just fine now. She is staying with Dr. Hunter of Dewdney Animal Hopsital for the time being.

Pomeranian outside after surgery

Please note: November was an extremely expensive month for the Maple Ridge SPCA. Please consider donating to help provide care for more animals like Ivory.

The chuckwalla with a bladder stone

This Chuckwalla had a sizeable bladder stone surgically removed. Yes, that object on the right is what we are talking about.

Chuckwalla and bladder stone at Dewdney Animal Hospital

Needless to say, he felt much better afterwards:

Chuckwalla after having bladder stone removed at Dewdney Animal Hospital

This falcon came in for a checkup.

That’s not intimidating at all…

Falcon at Dewdney Animal Hospital

And this is why backyard chickens require veterinary care…

And because you obviously want a closer look, this is what these parasites look like under a microscope:

Parasite under a microscope

Thanks for following Dewdney Diaries. We’ll see what kind of surprises are in store for the holiday season!


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